ROLWIND is a company dedicated to the “Promotion, design and development of renewable energy projects”.

The mission of our organisation is to provide its services to companies in an agile and efficient way.

ROLWIND considers as basic principles of its management, the performance of its activities with an excellent level of quality and service, applying continuous improvement to the effectiveness of the Management System, which ensures compliance with the expectations, specifications and / or standards of customers in all products and services provided, respect for the environment and the prevention of pollution and accidents at work, under our commitment to the safety and health of our workers. In this sense, we have developed and implemented an Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the UNE EN ISO 9001, UNE EN ISO 14001 and UNE EN ISO 45001 standards, the requirements of which apply to all the processes carried out.

Therefore, the staff of ROLWIND, assume the following commitments:

1. To provide a quality service with a greater responsibility towards the environment, preventing the appearance of errors in our service and developing an efficient and effective control process, based on the work capacity and specialised training of our human resources, as the main asset of our organisation.

2. To comply with the legislation and regulations on quality, environment and health and safety that apply to us, as well as other requirements to which the organisation subscribes.

3. To have sufficient and adequate human and material resources to ensure the safety and capacity of all processes.

4. Evaluate and reduce the environmental impacts associated with the activity carried out in ROLWIND, paying special attention to the prevention of waste generation and the most efficient use of materials, as well as the elimination of hazards and reduction of health risks.

5. To continuously and periodically improve the Integrated System in order to offer customers better products and services in accordance with the requirements of the standards so that they constitute the reference framework for the establishment and revision of the objectives.

6. To seek and maintain customer confidence in the company and in the quality of the services we provide.

7. To ensure agile internal communication, strengthening our commitment to employee participation and consultation.

8. To ensure the health and safety of all members of the company.

Cordoba, 06 February 2023

Manuel Nevado